
A flower doesn't think about how it has to grow and bloom.

It just happens. 

It's her nature.

What would it do to you if you wouldn't think everything over.

What would spontaneously happen ?

What could happen ?

A few months ago I started to write morning pages again.

I had done it before and after a while I felt it was just one more 'to do'.

But now I spontaneously started writing again ?

Why ?

Because of the benefits of writing morning pages. (open this link for more)

I do it immediately after waking up.

It is no sacrifice to wake up half an hour earlier.

My mind is clear and I have a better focus.

I feel mentally much stronger although I can be physically tired.

I live moment by moment, day by day.

I try to be aware of living in this moment

because NOW is the time and place to be.

There is space for wonders to happen.

These wonders don't have to be huge...

I can feel joy just looking at a flower blooming.

I can express myself without considering whether

I should speak or not, whether what I am doing

gets me further in life or not.
I am allowed to make wrong choices.

One can always change the course. 

Just navigate life and go with the flow.

Although you are part of many, many things happening in this world,

you also remain an infinite being in which there are no boundaries.



See you around !




Feel free to send me an e-mail in which you correct any spelling or grammatical mistake.

It would improve my English writing skill.  Thank you !
