Is daily routine killing your passion for life ?

Can you relate  ?

You just did all the remaining laundry but there it comes again.

Dust on the cupboard appears week after week after week.

Weed in the garden grows stronger every day.

Every time you eat or drink you create dishes to wash.

You eat, sleep, go to work, go and do some shopping, cook, clean, wash,....

It's a never ending story.

Do I want it to end ? Hell no, it would be the end of life itself.

But in my head it's a heavy burden because it never goes off my to do list.... I can't finish any of this for good...

It's a daily mind struggle that kills my passion for life. At least, for me it is...

Actually that is why I started the Iwantsomethingelse blog. To escape daily routines.

To cross borders and start colouring outside the lines.

Set some challenges to refresh the mind and the soul.

A good reminder for myself today !

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