Ancestral Exit


Hi there,


These are times of ancestral exit.

Cleaning out and coming to terms with family patterns and child trauma's.

When I was younger, I did a lot of therapy.

I myself completed a 4-year training course to become a psychotherapist.

Contextual therapy in particular helped me a lot.

I still had the time then to talk to my mother and clear some things out.

Now, both my parents are long gone.

I am almost 60, and I feel the need again to dive a bit deeper in my ancestral patterns.

I booked 3 sessions with a wonderful woman who guides me and my body through this.

We already did the mother line and this week we did the father line.

Amazing things are coming up. I even cried, while I normally almost never cry...

Today is my father's birthday. For some years, one of his still living sisters, sends me wishes for his birthday.

In this year's message, she mentions that we don't really know each other.

I took my chance and invited her for a coffee and a family chat about our ancestors in the new year to come.

A great opportunity for me and for her.

In January, my session is about 'the nest'. Wonder what that is going to bring up.

Above I shared some pictures of my grandparents on both sides and a picture of me when I was fourteen.

I hardly recognize myself.... but inside I still feel so young and full of excitement for life.

Only, when I look in the mirror, I see an older woman.


Here are some links about ancestral healing.

It's for you to decide whether this makes sense for you or not...


How breaking family patterns can liberate our life.

What is Ancestral Healing?

Inherited Family Trauma & Ancestral Healing

What We Carry for Our Ancestors: Intergenerational Healing