The unbearable lightness of being.

I read the book when I was in my twenties.

It had a big impact on me. 

I read it again a few years ago.


I am a thinker. Always have been.

Through the years, I learned to stay 'here' in the present moment and not let my thoughts run away with me.


Whether life really ends when it ends or there is a cycle of rebirth, it is worth it to live our full potential now.


At the beginning of this week, I was driving to work in the early morning. It was dark and it was raining.
Everything seemed unreal.

I was overwhelmed by the feeling of the absurdity of it all.

People driving to work. Children waiting at the bus stop. Backpack ready for school.

Others driving through the rain on their bikes. 


How did we end up here ? 

All on our own trying to master our life. 

Go to work to have an income. 

Go to school to get a degree to have a better income in the future. 

Is this what we want ?


I feel so sorry for all the children being detained for years.

Get up early and leave their homes to go and be someone.

Others decide what they get to learn. 

Uniformity above all. Eenheidsworst in het Nederlands.


I was looking for pictures to capture the realm around this.

I can't find any. I only found some that come close to the feeling.


Maybe this all sounds a bit negative and depressing to you.

You don't have to agree with me.


Life is a huge playground.

This doesn't sound depressing, does it ?


You can do whatever you want.

You can be whoever you want to be.

Let go of all ancestral patterns, must be's, must do's and must haves.

You, and only you, can feel who you want to be and what you want to bring into this world.

Your future is so positive.


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