Accept the darkness in the light - be aware of the light in the darkness - 
2 parts - 1 whole  -  walk on the edge and see both sides

pexels-jben-beach-art-4747132                                                                                                                     both sides - IwantsomethingElse


Yin en yang   

black and white

dark and light

sad and happy

pain and joy

woman and man

death and life


two sides make one whole

walk on the edge

be aware of both sides

one can not be without the other

what goes up must come down

and the other way around

Life is a cycle of events

Whether they make you feel good or bad,

don't hold too tight on either one of them.

Breath in, breath out, go with the flow

Have faith, you can do it

It is in y(our) nature.