Stereotypes, prejudices and social patterning.



This week, while doing the dishes after cooking, something occurred in my mind. In movies, smart and beautiful women, are excused if they cannot cook.
So that would mean: The uglier and less smart you are, the better you can cook ?

Or the more intellectual and beautiful you are, the more clumsy you are in household stuff ?

We all have assumptions in our minds that came there in some or other way.

Our parents taught us, we learned it at school, we saw it on television, or....

My niece wrote me that she went shopping because 'shopping makes you happy' ?


Black people are lazy. 

Blonds have more fun.

Men are better at maths and logical thinking.
Muslims are terrorists.

Italians are charming.

Dutch people are stingy.

Boys love cars.
Curved women are more fertile.

Can you think of some others yourself ?


It's laughable, isn't it ? But it can also be very sad and hurtful.


Here are some links: